Genome One

Genome One Enabling use of genomic information at point-of-care to guide clinical decision-making will be transformative across diverse areas of healthcare in terms of improved health outcomes and increased efficiencies. Website:...

Prescient Medicine

Prescient Medicine Prescient Medicine is a predictive health intelligence company providing innovative testing solutions that offer deeper predictive insights so doctors can make more informed clinical decisions leading to better patient outcomes. Website:...


ReviveMed ReviveMed is an AI-driven drug discovery platform, which uniquely leverages data from metabolites, or small molecules, to discover the right therapeutic use of existing drugs for the right patients. Website:...

Root Deep Insight

Root Deep Insight To help institutions engage earth’s biggest usefully genotyped cohort, Root gives >29M tissue-donor volunteers their own prismatically informative HLA data, wisely interpreted, to use in life and for science. Website:...

Hinge Bio

Hinge Bio Hinge Bio is leveraging proprietary technology to make antibodies “flexible” so they can bind disease targets more efficiently with two (or more) hands cooperatively, enabling superior efficacy, safety and quality. Website:...


Immusoft Immusoft’s mission is re-program patient cells into miniature drug factories that engraft and survive for decades in the body. Website:...

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