Session Chair Profile

M.D.,Ph.D., Vice Chair, Scientific Innovation, Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School

Calum MacRae works on the human genetics of cardiac and vascular disease, cardiovascular developmental biology, and drug discovery. He has a longstanding interest in the incorporation of genomics and other large-scale datasets into clinical practice, systematic approaches to the discovery of new translatable phenotypes, and the role of disruptive innovation in refashioning the translational interface. His major clinical focus is the Cardiovascular Clinical Genetics Center, he co-directs the Genomic Medicine Program and he also has established a Next Gen Phenotyping Center at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2020 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: Recent discoveries hold the promise of better detection and treatment of heart disease. Many types of heart disease are hereditary, caused by just one or a few genetic changes. Most cases of coronary artery disease, by far the most prevalent fatal heart condition, are polygenic – arise from changes in a number of different genes.

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