Speaker Profile

MS, Founder and CEO, Sano

Ashwin is the founder and CEO of Sano. Sano is the first company of its kind, dedicated to helping all consumers understand their individual metabolic characteristics. Sano’s product combines a novel sensor technology with nutritional insights, allowing consumers to make more personalized choices about nutrition and exercise. Ashwin believes that every body is uniquely different and requires a personalized approach to health and fitness. With the ability to measure the impact of dietary choices on the body, Sano is uniquely positioned to uncover the data necessary to build more effective, personalized nutrition, fitness, and therapeutic plans. Before Sano, Ashwin was on the founding team of SinuSys, a medical device company developing new therapies to improve sinus health. He was previously at Bain Capital, investing in technology and semiconductor companies. Ashwin received a dual BS/BA in Bioengineering and Economics and an MS in Bioengineering from the University of Pennsylvania.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2017 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: DNA is not manifest destiny for health. It is the dynamic interaction of DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids and other cellular components within the larger context of diet, environment and geography. This session will explore the boundaries of possible medical and wearable devices that connect the genotype to the phenotype.

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