Speaker Profile

Ph.D., Scientific Lead, California Kids Cancer Comparison

Dr. Morozova is the Founder of the Treehouse Childhood Cancer Initiative at the University of Santa Cruz Genomics Institute, where she is a Postdoctoral Scholar in David Haussler’s group. She is also a Clinical Molecular Genetics Fellow in the Department of Pediatrics at UC San Francisco. Dr. Morozova is the scientific lead for the California Kids Cancer Comparison (CKCC) project, one of the demonstration projects of the California Initiative to Advance Precision Medicine, a public-private effort recently launched by Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. CKCC evaluates the efficacy of pan-cancer analysis to improve the yield of pediatric cancer clinical sequencing trials. Dr. Morozova holds a PhD in Bioinformatics from the University of British Columbia and a BSc (Hons) in Molecular Genetics and Biology from the University of Toronto.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2017 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: The California Initiative to Advance Precision Medicine is a state-funded effort promoting precision medicine and the impact it has on patient lives, partly through multi-disciplinary, cross-sector demonstration projects. Project leads and other experts will discuss their patient data-based diagnostics and tools, and their vision for broad-ranging improvements to health and healthcare.

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