Speaker Profile

Ph.D., CTO, uMETHOD Health, Inc.

Dr. John Walker is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and a founder of uMETHOD Health, in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. His specialty, as a computer scientist, is working closely with experts in other fields – not computer scientists – to build highly-complex systems to implement their vision. His collaboration with leading researchers is bringing precision medicine to neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and depression. Dr. Walker led pioneering software efforts in local-area networks (LANs), wireless LANs (“Wi-Fi”), high-speed networking, and voice-over-IP (VoIP) in advanced research and development teams at IBM. His doctorate in computer science is from UNC-Chapel Hill.

AI and Data Science Showcase: uMETHOD Health, Inc.
Multi-domain interventions for complex chronic diseases. First products focus on cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease, and depression.

Solving Alzheimer’s: Developing A Multi-Domain Interventions Approach
Millions have symptoms of cognitive impairment, and test results can show their progression to Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. There are often dozens of factors that contribute to any person’s cognitive decline – including genetics, blood chemistry, medications, medical history, diet, and lifestyle. These vary widely from person to person – and when addressed together, the progression of symptoms can be avoided, slowed, or even rolled back. Dr. Walker discusses their pioneering work in this approach of multi-domain interventions, bringing mathematics, statistics, artificial intelligence, and bioinformatics to a medical topic that has failed to yield to a ‘one disease, one drug approach.’

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