PMWC 2018 Duke Awards

The PMWC Luminary Award recognizes recent contributions of preeminent figures who have accelerated personalized medicine into the clinical marketplace. This year, PMWC 2018 Duke Luminary Award will be honoring Dr. Jeffrey I. Gordon who pioneered the study of gut microbial ecology and evolution and today addresses the global challenges of obesity and undernutrition, and Dr. Mary V. Relling for pioneering and advocating for pharmacogenomic personalized medicine.

Date & Agenda

When: September 24 at 3:30-5:30pm

Where: PMWC Venue – Track 1

Suggested dress: Business Attire

Open to attendees only

Past Luminary Award Recipients

Emmanuelle Charpentier


Pioneered the CRISPR-CAS9 Genome Editing Technology

Jennifer Doudna


Pioneered the Groundbreaking Crispr-Cas9 Genome Editing Technology

Edward F. Chang


Pioneer in Human Brain Circuit Mapping to Advance Precision Neuropathology

Roger Perlmutter


Expedited Development of Groundbreaking Therapies

Laura Esserman


Breast Cancer Treatment Paradigm Shifter

Ron Davis


Developed R-loop Technique of Electron Microscopy

Jay Flatley


Established Illumina as the leader in sequence technology

Janet Woodcock


FDA Director, fast-tracked targeted drugs through FDA approval

Brian Druker


Co-inventor, blockbuster drug, Gleevec

George Church


Contributions to the sequencing of genomes and interpreting such data; In Neuroscience he established a “functional connectome”

Lee Hood


Inventions included the automated DNA sequencer and a tool for synthesizing DNA

Past Pioneer Award Recipients

Ronald Levy


Pioneered the concept of antibodies being used as personalized anticancer drugs

Sir John Bell


Leading Genetic and Genomic Research Initiatives that Enable Precision Medicine in the UK and Globally

Alan Ashworth


Co-discovered the BRCA2 gene mutation and made discoveries leading to PARP inhibition in breast and other cancers

James Allison


Pioneered Cancer Immunotherapy Through Discovery of the Immune Checkpoint Blockade

Steve Quake


Steve Quake has pioneered innovative approaches to biological measurement

Irv Weissman


Pioneer in Regenerative Medicine & Cancer Stem Cells

Ralph Snyderman


Widely recognized as “Father of Personalized Medicine”

Craig Venter


1st Draft Human Gen., 1st Complete Diploid Human Gen., and 1st Synth. Bact. Cell

Dennis Lo


Discovered That An Unborn Fetus Releases Fetal DNA Into Maternal Plasma

Jonathan K.C. Knowles

2015 – UK

Personalized Medicine Leader in both Academia and the Pharmaceutical Industry

Yuet Wain Kan


The first to establish that a single DNA mutation could lead to a human disease, and the first to diagnose a human disease by using DNA

Michael Hayden

2014 – Israel

Developer, First Predictive Test for Huntington’s Disease

Kim Popovits

2013 – Israel

Launched both earliest genetically-targeted therapy and molecular diagnostic assay

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