Speaker Profile

Chief Commercial Officer, Median Technologies

Nicholas Campbell, Chief Commercial Officer for Median Technologies, is responsible for all commercial activity and strategy execution across the organization. Previously, he served as vice president and managing director for iQVIA customer solutions group with prior leadership positions as global head of sales for its early clinical, cardiac safety and genomic service businesses. Mr. Campbell has more than 18 years of biopharmaceutical industry experience and a proven track record of sales leadership, market building, and strategic partnering. He holds a Bachelor of Science from University of Wolverhampton, UK and a Master of Business Administration from University of Plymouth Business School, UK and ESC Toulouse, France.

AI and Data Science: Median Technologies
Median Technologies, The Imaging Phenomics Company®, provides innovative image analysis solutions and services, advancing the development of new drugs and diagnostic tools to monitor disease and assess response to therapy.

Image-Based Phenotyping for Precision Medicine: The Promise of Imaging Phenomics in AI
Medical imaging is a standard of care around the globe for many diseases and is increasingly playing a pivotal role in precision medicine. Technology can be designed to acquire, index, and analyze thousands of image phenotypes, decoding the biomarkers from standard medical images, to help with early – essentially delivering on the promise of Imaging Phenomics. In this session we will review how we can apply medicine, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence to imaging technology to revolutionize the way drugs are developed and medical care is delivered.

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