Speaker Profile
M.D.,M.B.A, Co-founder and CEO, Celyad
Christian Homsy, has been the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Celyad since he co-founded the company in 2007. Prior to Celyad, Christian gained business experience in senior positions in the research and development, marketing, business development and sales departments at Guidant Corporation, a leading medical device company active in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. He was also founder of the “Guidant Institute for Therapy Development”, an internationally praised landmark facility for the education of physicians and health care professionals. Christian was also General Manager of Medpole, a European incubator dedicated to initiating the European operations for start-up companies in the medical device or biotechnology fields. He obtained his Medical Doctorate at the University of Louvain, Belgium and holds an MBA from the IMD in Lausanne (Switzerland).
Presentation Title and Company Description
Immunotherapy Showcase: Celyad: A novel Paradigm in CAR-T Therapies
Celyad is a biopharmaceutical company, specialized in cell therapy, that is developing landmark technologies aimed at treating severe diseases with poor prognosis. Our scientific approach is inspired by the natural mechanisms that are used by the body to fight disease.