Session Chair Profile

Ph.D., Founder & Chairman, Cancer Commons

Marty Tenenbaum is a renowned computer scientist, Internet entrepreneur and cancer warrior. He is the Founder and Chairman of Cancer Commons, a non-profit network of physicians, scientists, and patients that Newsweek dubbed the “LinkedIn of Cancer.” He began his career in AI, leading elite research groups at SRI International and Schlumberger Ltd. Later, as an Internet commerce pioneer, he founded or co-founded five successful startups. Dr. Tenenbaum is a fellow and former board member of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence, a former Director of Commerce One, the Public Library of Science (PLoS) and Patients Like Me, and a former consulting professor of Computer Science at Stanford. He currently serves as a Director of CommerceNet and Efficient Finance. Dr. Tenenbaum holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from MIT, and a Ph.D. from Stanford, and has received numerous awards for his contributions to AI and his work as a patient advocate.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2018 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: From an AI perspective, finding effective treatments for cancer is a high-dimensional probabilistic planning, search, and optimization problem, characterized by many molecularly distinct cancer subtypes and potential drug combinations, and a dearth of high quality data connecting them to clinical responses. Many organizations are developing relevant AI-based applications, from decision support tools to treatment planning. We will describe a bold industry-wide initiative to integrate these capabilities for the immediate benefit of patients and physicians, and moderate an open discussion toward catalyzing an active AI-and-cancer community.

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