Speaker Profile

BSE, Director of Data Strategy & Alliances, Broad Institute

Danielle is passionate about sharing data in healthcare. A data architect turned strategist, she leads the Broad Institute’s Data Sciences Platform in their development of open-sourced analytics for the research community. Her team is focused on creating the largest comprehensive data resource comprised of molecular data, clinical outcomes, financial cost, social determinant and other information. Prior to the Broad, Danielle designed, built and grew the largest integrated real-world database of clinical and claims data for Optum (UnitedHealth Group). She has wide industry perspective from roles serving Provider, Payer and Life Sciences markets. Danielle began her career in interface and interoperability design for large provider health systems. An Ohio native, she graduated with a Bachelors in Biomedical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University and quickly found herself in the throes of the healthcare data boom in Boston – now called home.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2018 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: Traditional data silos too often slow down the scientific progress. To benefit from a data-driven healthcare approach we need to make data accessible, manageable, and interpretable. This requires data standardization and overcoming interoperability issues, a major focus of this session.

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