Speaker Profile

D.PHIL., Senior Director of Genome Engineering, CZ Biohub

After receiving a D.Phil. in Molecular Biophysics from the University of Oxford, May was a Wellcome Trust International Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University. He led development teams in single-cell genomics, sequencing, and structural proteomics at Fluidigm before becoming Chief Scientific Officer at Caribou Biosciences, where he built and led the scientific team focused on developing CRISPR-Cas technologies. At CZ Biohub, May is combining single-cell resolution analytical methods with genome-editing in primary cells and tissues to understand complex multicellular populations. He is also developing technologies to enable genome engineering of specific tissues for the treatment of genetic disorders and is building an engineering framework for the design of cellular devices that sense, monitor, record and treat disease states.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2018 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: Since its launch, the disruptive CRISPR technology has been widely adopted and is now on a path to transform biological research with the promise of new therapeutics for both treating and curing human diseases. This session will cover new CRISPR products and different applications that harness the power of the CRISPR technology.

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