Speaker Profile

M.D., MSc, FRCS(C), FACS, Chair, NantWorks; Executive Director, Wireless Health Institute at UCLA; Adjunct Professor of Surgery, UCLA; Visiting Professor, Imperial College London

Patrick Soon-Shiong is a South African-born American surgeon, professor and researcher, entrepreneur, businessman, and philanthropist.As of December 9th, 2016, Dr. Soon-Shiong has 230 issued USA and international patents, with 92 in the United States and 138 international.In 2010, with Arizona State University and the University of Arizona, Soon-Shiong founded the Healthcare Transformation Institute (HTI), which he dubs a “do-tank.” In early 2016, Soon-Shiong launched the National Immunotherapy Coalition to encourage rival pharmaceutical companies to work together to test combinations of cancer-fighting drugs.He has also met numerous times with former Vice President Joe Biden to discuss more ambitious approaches to fighting cancer, including conducting genomic sequencing of 100,000 patients to create a massive database of potential genetic factors. In addition to his current positions in LA, Dr. Soon-Shiong is also chair of the Chan Soon-Shiong Family Foundation and chair and CEO of the Chan Soon-Shiong Institute for Advanced Health, National LambdaRail, and the Healthcare Transformation Institute.

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