Speaker Profile

Ph.D., Principal Solutions Architect, SAS

Juthika Khargharia is a Principal Solutions Architect working for SAS’ Internet of Things Division specializing in machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence. In her role, she assists customers in defining their business problems and uses SAS advanced analytics solutions to help them reach their business goals and objectives. Juthika holds a Ph.D. in Astrophysics from the University of Colorado. Her Ph.D. research work consisted of designing observations, collecting and analyzing low signal-to-noise image data obtained from ground based telescopes to determine black hole masses in our Galaxy.

AI and Data Science Showcase: SAS
Built on the powerful, trusted SAS® Platform, our artificial intelligence solutions support diverse environments and can scale to meet changing business needs. Visit www.sas.com/ai

Computer Vision with SAS
Computer vision helps analyze useful features extracted from images and videos. AI solutions from SAS use computer vision to help you accelerate intelligent automation for image processing, image classification and object detection. Join this session to hear more about analytical techniques relevant to image data with SAS and pertinent business applications.

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