Speaker Profile

M.D., MAPP, Director, Center for Health Policy & Outcomes, Memorial Sloan Kettering

The Director of Memorial Sloan Kettering’s Center for Health Policy and Outcomes, Dr. Bach is a physician, epidemiologist, writer, and recognized expert in healthcare policy whose work has been regularly featured in major scientific and lay press outlets such as the NEJM, JAMA, and the New York Times. Dr. Bach is a member of the Institute of Medicine’s Board on Health Care Services and National Cancer Policy Forum and the Committee on Performance Measurement of the National Committee on Quality Assurance; he is also the Chair of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Technical Expert Panel, which works to develop quality measures for PPS-exempt cancer hospitals. Dr. Bach has published more than 100 peer-reviewed articles and editorials in scientific journals as well as 16 healthcare-related op-eds in outlets such as the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and Forbes. He has served as a mentor to 15 postdoctoral researchers, given more than 100 invited seminars, and been the recipient of multiple NIH grants. View a comprehensive list of media coverage received by Dr. Bach and his work.

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