Speaker Profile

Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer, ImmunGene, Inc.

Mike Gresser, Ph.D. is Chief Scientific Officer for ImmuneGene, and is a Lecturer in the Honors Program in the College of Letters and Science at UCLA. He serves on the scientific advisory boards of several biotechnology companies. From 2000-2006, Dr. Gresser served as Vice President, Research for Inflammation at Amgen, Inc. Prior to Amgen, he was at the Merck Frosst Center for Therapeutic Research where he rose to be Executive Director of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. His team was responsible for the introduction of Singulair, Vioxx, and Arcoxia to the clinical market. Dr. Gresser received his Ph.D in Biochemistry from Brandeis University and did postdoctoral studies at the Molecular Biology Institute at UCLA under Nobel Laureate Paul D. Boyer. Before joining Merck Frosst in 1988, Dr. Gresser was Professor of Chemistry at Simon Frazer University in Burnaby, British Columbia where he was on the faculty for 8 years.

Presentation Title and Company Description

Immunotherapy Showcase: Focused Interferon Therapies (FIT) for Cancer
ImmunGene is testing IGN002 in Rituxan-refractory NHL patients, and has additional focused interferon therapeutics (FIT) for other cancers in preclinical development. These FIT agents focus IFN on the tumor, have potent direct antitumor effects, and provide potent immune stimulation restricted to the tumor microenvironment.

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