Speaker Profile

FRCP, FMEDSCI, Chief Scientist, Genomics England

Mark graduated in Medicine in 1984 from the London Hospital Medical College and trained in Clinical Pharmacology at St Bartholomew’s Hospital (Barts) where he developed a research program in molecular genetics of hypertension and clinical research. In 2009 he won the Lily Prize of the British Pharmacology Society. He is a Fellow of The Royal College of Physicians. In 2000 Mark successfully bid for £3.1m to create the Barts and The London Genome Center at the Queen Mary University of London. Since 2008 he has directed the Barts National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Unit. In 2012 he become Co-Chair of NIHR Comprehensive Research Network Cardiovascular Sub-Speciality Group. Mark was appointed Director of the William Harvey Research Institute in 2002 and was elected to the Academy of Medical Sciences in 2008. His particular areas of research are Cardiovascular Genomics and Translational Cardiovascular Research and Pharmacology. From 2009 to 2011 Mark was President of the British Hypertension Society. He has also served on the NICE Guideline Group for hypertension and leads the Joint UK Societies’ Working Group and Consensus on Renal Denervation which he has driven from research into NHS care.In 2013 he became an NIHR Senior Investigator.

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