Speaker Profile

M.D., Associate Professor, University of California San Francisco

The goal of my laboratory is to identify novel therapeutic approaches for cancer that target the genetic mutations and altered signaling networks that are specific to cancer cells. We are also interested in asking fundamental questions about how cancer cells are rewired through a combination of cell intrinsic and micro-environmental alterations. We use functional genomics applied to mouse and human systems (genetically engineered models, patient derived xenografts) to understand the transcriptional networks that regulate the outcome of specific oncogenic mutations. We have two primary disease interests: lung cancer and pediatric sarcomas. We use computational genomic analysis and function genomics extensively in our work. Lastly, we are interested in the application of next-generation sequencing to drive precision medicine for advanced pediatric cancer patients and are leading efforts to apply cutting edge genomics for advanced cancers at Benioff Children’s Hospitals of UCSF.

Session Abstract – PMWC 2018 Silicon Valley

Session Synopsis: Genomics guided precision medicine has great potential in terms of health management, disease prevention and improved diagnosis and treatment – however significant interpretation, translational and decision support challenges remain for molecular diagnostics labs, physicians and the patients and consumers they serve. There has been material progress in the development of better assays and wet lab capabilities but significant unmet needs and challenges remain for the insightfulness, clinical relevance and action-ability of lab reporting and physician decision support that has constrained the democratization of these promising genomics technologies. This panel, moderated by Sean P. Scott from QIAGEN, and composed of key stakeholders across the clinical workflow from ordering physician through laboratory director and pathologist to patient will provide a broad perspective on the current state of genomics-guided precision medicine and provide input on the trends, opportunities and challenges moving forward.

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